th - the 9th in our "focus" series! (aa, uu, ff, au, rr, ao, rl, sp & th)
Shoot through the ring. Be precise.
Just like other apps in our series, the more you get into each level, the more it changes. There are theoretically infinite ways you can complete each, it makes for great fun.
You can also top the leaderboard and earn medals! (bronze, silver and gold). There's 100 levels to solve right now, intertwined with all sorts of tweaks and surprises. You can also go back and replay any level you've already passed, at any time (Choose Level). If you're stuck on a really tricky level, skip it! (Tap Skip on the Fail Screen) If you can't wait, unlock all 100 levels and replay at your own pace! (Choose Level > Unlock All Levels)
Thanks for all your support, I hope you're enjoying the "focus" series thus far.
Handmade in Australia,
General Adaptive
th - 9 di "fokus" kami seri! (Aa, uu, dst, au, rr, ao, rl, sp & th)
Menembak melalui ring. Tepatnya.
Sama seperti aplikasi lain dalam seri kami, semakin Anda masuk ke setiap tingkat, semakin berubah. Ada cara teoritis tak terbatas Anda dapat menyelesaikan masing-masing, itu membuat untuk menyenangkan.
Anda juga dapat atas leaderboard dan mendapatkan medali! (Perunggu, perak dan emas). Ada 100 tingkat untuk memecahkan sekarang, terkait dengan segala macam tweak dan kejutan. Anda juga bisa kembali dan memutar ulang setiap tingkat Anda sudah berlalu, setiap saat (Pilih Level). Jika Anda terjebak pada tingkat yang benar-benar sulit, lewatkan saja! (Tap Loncat pada Layar Gagal) Jika Anda tidak bisa menunggu, membuka semua 100 tingkat dan memutar ulang pada kecepatan Anda sendiri! (Pilih Tingkat> Aktifkan Semua Tingkat)
Terima kasih untuk semua dukungan Anda, saya harap Anda menikmati "fokus" seri sejauh ini.
Handmade di Australia,
General Adaptive
th - the 9th in our "focus" series! (aa, uu, ff, au, rr, ao, rl, sp & th)
Shoot through the ring. Be precise.
Just like other apps in our series, the more you get into each level, the more it changes. There are theoretically infinite ways you can complete each, it makes for great fun.
You can also top the leaderboard and earn medals! (bronze, silver and gold). There's 100 levels to solve right now, intertwined with all sorts of tweaks and surprises. You can also go back and replay any level you've already passed, at any time (Choose Level). If you're stuck on a really tricky level, skip it! (Tap Skip on the Fail Screen) If you can't wait, unlock all 100 levels and replay at your own pace! (Choose Level > Unlock All Levels)
Thanks for all your support, I hope you're enjoying the "focus" series thus far.
Handmade in Australia,
General Adaptive